Step Directions

Ballroom Step Directions are described in one of the following ways.

With respect to the line of the supporting foot, the next step may be place in one of the primary directions:

  1. Forward,
  2. Back,
  3. Side(ways),
  4. In a diagonal line:
    • diagonally forward,
    • diagonally back,
  5. In a hybrid diagonal:
    • forward and slightly leftward (for the left foot) or rightward (for the right foot)
    • side(ways) and slightly forward
    • side(ways) and slightly back
    • back and slightly leftward (for the left foot) or rightward (for the right foot)
  6. In contra body movement position (CBMP):
    • forward in CBMP (i.e., the moving foot is placed directly in front of the supporting foot),
    • forward and across in CBMP (i.e., the moving foot crosses in front of the supporting foot),
    • back in CBMP,
    • back and across in CBMP.
  7. By clock: The leader (man) is said to face 12 o’clock immediately before a figure starts. Then directions can be described by saying, for example, that the direction of the second step is 3 o’clock, and the direction of the third step is between 4 and 5 o’clock.
  8. By compass points: Assuming that the dancer faces North at any moment, one may say, e.g., “take a step North-West”

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